WE ARE BACK! Rising Frequencies is returning to the air waves!!!

This a a quick note to let you know that Andrea Covington Mullaney and I will be resuming our Rising Frequencies Show the second week in March. We will post the appropriate information on how to listen once we have the date set in stone.

We will also be launching a new website in the near future. I want to wait until I pass my Holistic Life Coach test first, so I can offer sessions to those that are interested.

During our first show we will be discussing all the changes that have occurred since our last episode, which was in October. Many of these changes I have chosen not to write about due to the intensity of the content. We don’t want the information to be misrepresented. The best way we can accomplish this it the old fashion way of verbal transmission.

We both feel confident enough to not hold back with what we are “seeing”, “feeling” clairvoyantly. Our information will not be for everyone, and some of it will be controversial. If you don’t have an open mind and heart, you will have a hard time listening.

No one has all the answers as to what is going on with our planet during this great shift, but we are going to share our pieces of the puzzle that we have received over the last 4 months.

So much has changed, that we don’t feel we can cover the details in just one show. During our first 2 shows we will discuss what did not occur, and what did occur in our physical world. We will tackle the topics of implant removal, contract removal etc… The final issue that will be discussed is what has occurred on the energetic level; which is mind blowing, and I have not written about any of these changes.

I feel there are some people that are in tune with what is actually occurring on the energetic levels. However these people are not out in the public arena. They like to be silent for fear of ridicule. I can relate, because i was the same way; until I got the push (more like a kick in the pants) to speak openly. Hopefully, our show will give them the courage to come out into the open. This last topic is so “out there” no one is discussing it. At least I have not found anyone discussing it.

Onward and Upward,
Lisa Rising Berry



  1. Been struggling, learning, shifting frequencies for myself, clarifying my understanding of freqencies of organizations and sending reports to off-world agents my whole life.

    Too sensitive for much interaction now. My life plan has been fulfilled.

    I try to help by sharing channeled videos, the “liked” ones. They are on-going reflections of current energies much like your reports.

    Ever a seeker, always undercover in daily life. http://www.YouTube.com/c/ElizabethBWord


  2. This is so funny, I clicked on the article topic to come to this page and it said it didn’t exist…LOL, so had to go to February posts to find it…LOL. Anyway, so glad to hear this news and happy and excited that you two are back in action here. I definitely am not afraid of ridicule or voicing my opinions or experiences and insights that might jerk someone’s proverbial spiritual understanding but I get that others worry about that. I grew up with a Mother who always worried about what others think, and it always erked me because I didn’t understand ‘caring’ about other’s thoughts or opinions of me and what I was doing or not doing. As people usually like to attack the messenger instead of getting the message, they most likely have something they need to resolve and are in denial, but I digress…LOL.
    I can’t wait for your new shows and looking forward to hearing what you girls have been up to or just hearing you girls back together like a slumber party where sharing and laughing and telling secrets are fun and joyous!
    Welcome back and YEAH!!!!! WhooHoo, here we go!~ ❤

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