fire and waterI have been writing about the Azoth energy for a year now, and I had an amazing experience with it last night that I’ve decided to share.  This was a lucid dream experience when I can tell I have entered a different state of consciousness.  During this experience, I received information about the current progress of Universal Ascension as well as how this all relates to me and my humble journey.  This occurred for me last night.

Those of you who follow my articles know that Azoth is fire/water energy, and I have many past articles for you to check out on this subject.  I am currently working on another that involves an old prophecy that most have not heard of before.  I should have that one out in a day or two.  My co-host Andrea and I are writing it together.

Last night my family and I were traveling on a path, which was a symbol for our journey as a family, and we were surrounded by explosions and fire balls of destruction.  We witnessed the planet being destroyed by fire.  There was no fear, just amazement!  I made a comment to them that we are blessed to see this as a family unit.  We hugged and kissed each other and told one another what a good job we each did playing the roles of our family incarnated on Earth.  There was the strongest sense that everything that was old is now gone – not just for us, but on a planetary level as well – and we were a part of that.  The love and respect we had for each other was incredible as we watched the Earth transform in such a powerful and volcanic way.

At one point we saw a long line of Navy ships floating in the water, and they exploded with such a burst that it sent debris right behind us.  At first I thought…”Whew, that was close! A few seconds slower and we would have been hit by that!”  However, I came to realize that this was a symbol. It showed me that our prior path has been demolished, and we can no longer return to the way were.  This is also true for everyone who is on the planet at this time.  The old paradigm and our old contracts are gone.  They have been transformed by the fire of the Azoth energy and will be re-born into something new.

kepher 3In spite of this, there are many who are behind the curve and have not moved fully into this new energetic existence.  Their lives will not improve if they continue to try to cross a bridge to the past that has been fully burned.  They will become more unbalanced until they can only move forward and stop going back and forth.

After I woke up, I kept my eyes closed, and my vision was filled with brilliant bright white then yellow/gold light.  It was almost blinding even with my eyes closed.  Then it shifted to a few flashes and it was done.  I am sure many others will experience this as well.

I have never been more sure that we are beginning a new life on this planet.  I have no idea what is in store for me and for my family, but I do know it will be nothing like we have experienced before.  My role here is about to really take a huge turn.  Round and round I go, where I stop nobody knows.

third eyeI would like to add one more note here.  While this was an amazing experience, I have let it go.  I know this sounds weird, but it is best that we do not get attached to anything in this reality, even our visions.  This will lead to stunting our growth and expansion.  So, I took it for what it was worth, learned from it, and I have moved on.  This way I make room for the next.  Clairvoyant visions can blind us as well as enlighten us.  Learn from it and let it go!


Lisa Rising Berry

If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward. Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications.  Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

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This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog.

7 thoughts on “My Astral Experience With The Fires Of Transformation (Azoth)

  1. Very interesting Lisa, and was this on the night of 11-11? It’s funny because my computer did some updates, and then turned itself off, then would not start up again….I spent all of 11-11 trying to fix my computer and half way thru the day, I realized it was 11-11 by looking at a digital clock my daughter has with the date, and as usual when I see 11-11 I stop to think about my thoughts or what is going on at the moment….So, the next day, I got on my tablet, and looked up what my problem was and found it, fixed it with a few short letters in command prompt, and BAM….fixed, so had to laugh about how much time I spent trying to do other things the day before and just could not get it fixed. This vision does seem to be very interesting in the fact that the old is destroyed by the fire and no going back to the old way. I am looking forward to your next article and also wondered if you had insights on the 11-11 thing….is it a gate? An energy shift prompt? I know that day was CRAZY for me… anxious for the article you are writing with Andrea, and LUV and HUGS!!!! ❤

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    1. LOL, I just looked at the date, and it was the night or morning I should say, of 11-11…so what does it mean to you, this number prompt? I know there is a 11-11 phenomena and started seeing that many years ago, can’t remember when but knew there was SOMETHING to it! ❤

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      1. This happened for me in the wee hours of 11/11. I really don’t know if it has anything to do with the 11 gateway thing that is all over the internet or not. I know that the Earth is really changing at lighting speed, and I am as well. The 11 represent walking through two pillars, putting you in the central column of your life. As you walk through you enter something new. So maybe the 11 gives us extra energy to make the shift in our lives. I am not sure. It seems all the info about every 11 gateway is new and not old and ancient. So, I can do is go hmmmm…. LOL

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      2. Very interesting and maybe you are right about the 11 gate. It was a huge phenomenon years ago, but has since waned. I don’t see it as much, but definitely do take a mental note when I see it or like my computer crap on that date. Just seemed to me that it was way to coincidental…LOL. Very interesting though about that being a gate with two pillars, metaphysically I have done so much research on it, well…I think it is what it is. I read in Voyagers that our reality was sealed by the Archons at the 12th gate, and everyone must pass thru the 11th gate at Saturn I think it said it was there, to get out of this local universe…anyway, it is interesting to read about all the different perceptions of it. Thx! ❤

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