WAVE XAs many of us know, there is a energetic event occurring and it will be increasing in the near future.  I have been seeing what is known as Aether move in and around our planet for almost a year.  This entire process is like baking a cake, as it occurs in stages, and not in just one big event.  Right now there is so much talk about Wave X, and it is getting out of hand and unreasonable, just like in 2012.  There are so many posts on the internet describing this wave as a mass Ascension event, and this is absolutely wrong.  The original person that named and talked about this Wave X “event” NEVER said anything about mass Ascension, and his knowledge which is very based in science is being taken out of context.  I am writing today to give you my take on what I have been seeing for many months now.  My side is not from science, but from my clairvoyant ability and astral travels.  I came here and walked into this body for the purpose of working on and making sure this planet was ready for the energy it is now receiving.  I have been doing this since 2008.


We are in the very beginning of the Golden Age.  In order or us to move into this new age of the galactic year, the slate needed to be wiped clean. This whole process has been like baking a cake that started around 2008, maybe a bit before.  The first phase was to clean up the upper realms, and a lot of energetic work in the astral and etheric levels was done. My co-host and I did a radio show on this.  The majority of this work was done between 2008 and 2013, and I have memory and written record in my personal journals of what occurred.  Now, the stage was set for a clean state to be created, and the void of creation was brought to the planet.  It was the black Genesis energy, better known as Aether. This occurred at the end of last year.   The Aether moved in and covered our entire planet.  Aether is the 5th element and is a black and purple color, and I have written quite a bit about this subject.  I saw this move in on the astral during one of my experiences there and wrote about it.  This huge event went mostly unnoticed, except by one other clairvoyant writer.  I am sure a few others noticed, but I am unaware of who has the astral eyes to see this.  The next phase was for the black purple Aether to turn a bright Gold, which it did around April of this year.  The Aether transformed into Azoth, also known as fire water.  This amazing element has not been experienced on this planet for thousands of years.  It is the element of the Golden Age.  It represents everything in infinity, which is why the first letters are A and Z.  The beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.  This year is a 8 year…the year of infinity.  I also wrote about this….  So, 2015 was the perfect year for the energy of Azoth to make it’s appearance.   The last thing that occurred I have not talked about for fear that most will not understand or will think I am nuts.  Our entire universe and beyond moved to a completely higher level of existence.  The easiest way to describe what happened is to picture us below an energetic plane of energy.  This is where we have been for thousands of years, this is where we fell too.  We have been living in an upside down world, where things just don’t make sense…violence is entertainment etc….   Now, that the Azoth is present, we moved above that plane and we are in a new neighborhood.  It will take some time for all of this to filter down into our physical world, but it will happen.  Our reality is shifting to a right side up view.


Now, this brings us to what has been called Wave X.  This “wave” is one of many huge increases that we will experience now that we have moved above the plane. What is being called X, is just the first.  Each age in a galactic year last for about 2 thousand years, and this is the first major increase.  You can image how many will occur in the next 2 thousand years! But for us, since we have been living in an upside down world, this first one is the biggest.  We have been in darkness and deep density for too long, so any increase will be huge.  I don’t like the word wave, because it makes it sound as though nothing was here and now the wave brings it all.  We are receiving an increase in what is already in place.  It’s the next step in our cake baking process.  The Azoth will be turned on for the first time by the sun’s rays. This is what is being called Wave X.


This will not create a mass ascension, rapture etc…   All will receive this turned on energy of the Azoth, but not all will be able to use it.  Azoth is a equal opportunity employer, but you have to work for it.  If you have done your physical inner alchemy then your body will vibrate at a level that will turn on your dormant DNA that will give you the ability to obtain “gifts”.  These gifts are just new ways of living, it’s evolution.  People when they are ready will learn how to see clairvoyantly, and will see beyond the veil, they will see the Azoth for themselves, which is like seeing God.  It’s the best I can describe it from my experience.  The other clair abilities will follow, such as clear smell, hearing etc…  Other new evolution abilities will include levitation, creating and manifesting from the Azoth and many more.  Each “gift” vibrates at a different frequency, and as you raise your vibration each one will be flipped on.  Now……it is entirely possible for someone to have one or more of these dormant abilities turned on and not realize it.  Once it has been turned on, then it is your responsibility to learn how to use it, and this take practice.  Again, you will get out of this new energy what you put into it.  No one will do it for you.  Many will live here and die here without knowing what they have received.  Unfortunately this will occur until we are farther into the Golden Age.  So, don’t be expecting your neighbors to be manifesting items from the Azoth like you may be able to.  We will still need to continue to live from our hearts.  Which is a requirement for these gifts to be used in the first place.  You can not create anything wrong when it’s done from the heart.  Your heart does not know duality, only the mind does.  If an individual is still stuck in the dramas of the mind, they will not obtain the higher abilities such as manifestation.


Will this Wave X event create a global awakening….yes and no.  Yes, all will receive this energy, as all are ready for it…yes, it will force them to see things differently…will they be at the same level instantly as those that have read this article to the end?  No….   Will those of us that have been working hard on our inner alchemy be ascended to a higher location to live free from those not as far on the path?  No….   We are all Gaia’s children and she loves all of us, we will still be expected to co-exist and assist those that are just  “waking-up”.  Being of service to others is why you are here, especially if you read this article in it’s entirety.

Much love to all,

Lisa Rising Berry

If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward. Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications.  Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

If you are not familiar with what I do, here is an article I wrote.  CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE ABOUT MY SERVICES.   Or you may visit our website by clicking on the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE and schedule and appointment.

This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog.

126 thoughts on ““Wave X” Is Not A Mass Ascension Event, It’s A Step In The Entire Process Of Evolution

      1. Hey Lisa, Listened to your show last night but it was already 1:30 am here in Croatia so I had to leave. I enjoyed the beginning part about the soul as I have had experiences of which she speaks of as well. It’s wonderful to share and learn from each other.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. So very exciting, isn’t it like humanity to hype this like they did with 2012 and then get disappointed when they don’t see anything happening. It’s like the rapture that has been programmed into our minds since childhood. All this fear of being left behind, and moves made about it too. Something you said on your last radio show struck me as an ‘aha’ moment when you spoke about the soul, and how a lot of them left, and not so many of them, except those who can hold this energy can stay and retain it all, let it go, and retain more…’letting go’ is part of that process, and you had stated how the ‘soul’ isn’t that important in the scheme of things…it got me wondering about the soul and how it might have been part of the ‘old matrix’ of the false reality, like an energetic contract that we were told was most important to care for, not to be sold, and so much importance placed on the soul as opposed to spirit or life force that created us.
    If you could, I would like to hear more about this ‘soul’ thing vs what is really important as the ‘souls’ leave but then again, we have always been programmed to think this existence can’t be without a soul. Is the soul a contract? Is it part of ego? I need to finish listening to the audio of the radio show…or listen again, because I know you made a couple comments and then changed direction, like maybe the world isn’t ready for this knowledge but I think those who read your material or listen to the show are ready! Big Hugs, and thanks for this info…it all ties together! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. But to answer your first 2 questions, yes the soul has contracts with the body it is attached to. But it is not part of the ego at all. We can clearly see that on a clairvoyant level. Which, again, is just too incredible.

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