Today, January 11, 2018, on a energetic level is a very powerful day.   It coincides with my article I wrote yesterday about the Jewish New Year of 5778, and how it connects to this year, and the changing of the energetic vibration of our infinity symbol.

We have the 11th day of the 1st month in a 11 year.  This gives us a total of 5 1’s.  5 is the number of change, and things are certainly changing, but this type of change has been a long awaiting one.  Jewish scholars have been writing about this time since the original separation of the waters of the firmament took place.   They have been waiting for this year of 5778 for the two calendars to merge.   These 2 calendars can kind of be considered timelines on a broader scale I suppose.  But they really are the waters of the firmament that are joining in a Hiero Gamos union.  My friend Sanna showed me a video about how over the past few days many strange water anomalies have taken place.  I didn’t know about this when I wrote my article, and I am glad.  It may have polluted my information that I was receiving.  But, we have physical evidence that this change is occuring.  It is not just our imagination or delusion.

Let’s look at 11.1.11.  The 2 pairs of ones each represent one of the calendars.  The group of ones on the right represent the past when the split occurred and infinity fell on it’s side.  Which was our fall in consciousness.  The group of ones on the left represent the upward infinity with it’s new energy vibration.  Each of these groups were major portals that lead us to different experiences.  The portal that took us to the fall in consciousness was devastating, however, we now have the current portal on the left which represents our return.  This portal is open all year, and I feel it will never close.  The 1 in the middle represents how these 2 portals are actually combined.  One leads to the other, in a cycle.

Cyclic events like this one are very powerful.  Whether we like it or not, we are a product of our past.  Not just as a society, but on a personal level as well.  Today is a day where our past collides with our present, and makes way for our future.  This is true for our Earth, but it is also true for us on a personal level.  We are a microcosm of the macrocosm.

Today 2 worlds literally collide to create the true Golden Age.  This is the day to make peace with the past.  For our planet and for our lives.  This planet’s past has been very difficult, because we fell very deep into the darkness of the abyss.  The deeper the fall the higher the potential for a momentous rise.  And that is what this planet did, and today makes this official.  

This is the first day of the real clean slate.  Today is the energetic Gate that the Jewish Scholars have been waiting for.  They call it Heaven’s Gate.  When the infinity loop fell, I wrote how people could not easily obtain liberation from reincarnation.  With the upward infinity inplace and combined with 5778, the Gate, which is the MuChord is 100% functional.  Freedom is here.

I recommend taking time to meditate, contemplate and put your new outlook into your daily life.  See your past as the amazing portal that taught you life lessons.  Forgive and let it go.  It is gone.  It made you who you are now.  You can’t change the past, you can only change your emotional reaction to it.  This is what our planet is doing on a energetic level today.  It rose from the ashes and now it is integrating both calendars.  

The highest level of wisdom to obtain from today, is to see that one is not bad, and one is not good.  They are both energy, and can be transmuted and used for different purposes.  Energy is energy, it is our perception through suffering that places labels.  The Earth is merging what is seen and felt as a negative calendar with what is seen and felt as a positive calendar.  But the Earth knows ultimately it is all just a learning experience, and nothing is permanent.  

Today is an excellent day for writing down what you can do NOW, to create your desired future.  Not a wish list for a possible future.  Today is a day of taking action, so look at what can you do now.  Write it down and then do it.  Today is also a perfect day for rituals of manifestation such as candle magic, and also healing rituals.

Enjoy the day of two worlds colliding.  This vibrational energetic event will never happen again on this current planet.  

To Infinity And Beyond,

Lisa Rising Berry

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This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog



  1. Woo Hooo! Today is also my dog Poseidon’s birthday who was born in 2013 (the year from hell) but interesting as his birthday is on this day and we named him Poseidon the greek god of the Sea…LOL


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